What Is Milk / Types Of Milk And Its Benefits / Best Alternatives To Dairy Milk

What Is Milk / Types Of Milk And Its Benefits / Best Alternatives To Dairy Milk – Milk is a dairy product produced by domestic animals, which contains a unique combination of protein, fat and carbohydrate along with other essential nutrients. It is a vital part of our daily balanced diet. From milk we can make curd, butter, cheese, ice cream, flavoured milk, condensed milk, milk powder, etc.

milk and its benefits
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June 1st is celebrated as ‘The World Milk Day”. It was first started in 2001 by Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO) to recognise the importance of milk in everyone life as a global food, and to encourage and celebrate the dairy sector.

In India ‘National Milk Day’ is celebrated on 26 November every year since 2014, on the birth anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien, a great contributor to the development of dairy sector also known as The Father of India’s White Revolution. Milk is the very important part of our daily diet. It is not only consumed by humans but by animals as well.

Let us see what milk is and how it is benefited to us.

What is milk?

Milk is a nutrient rich white coloured liquid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals. It is the primary source of nourishment for a new born baby or young mammals. The first production of lactation milk is called colostrum that is rich in nutrients and contains antibodies. It helps in giving protection to the new born baby by strengthening their immune system and reduces the risk of diseases later in the life.

For humans, World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended exclusive breastfeeding to babies till six months and then breastfeeding in addition to other weaning food up to two years. In the older times, people used to breastfeed their child for up to three to five years.

History of milk consumption

Milk produced by the farm animals or cattles is called dairy milk. The commonly consumed dairy milk by humans comes mainly from buffalo and cow. But in some conditions camel, goat and sheep milk is also used.

Initially, milk consumption was limited to children because they produce enough lactase, an enzyme necessary for the digestion of lactose sugar present in the milk. At the time of birth this enzyme is highest in the infant’s small intestine and then slowly declines with age unless milk is consumed regularly. People started converting milk into curd, cheese, butter, ghee and other products to reduce the level of lactase and consume milk without any side effects.

After some years a chance mutation spread in the human population and that enabled the production of lactase enzymes in adults too. And this allowed milk to be used as a new source of nutrition for everyone.

Milk is processed into a variety of by products such as cream, cheese, butter, yogurt and ice-cream. In modern times, milk is also processed to get casein, whey protein, lactose, condensed milk and milk powder.

You can check recipe on my blog made with milk and milk products Soft And Spongy Rasmalai Made With Toned Milk, Samak Rice Kheer, Veg sandwich with hung curd, Carrot paneer ladoo , Easy and Delicious Kadhai Paneer

Types of milk

Milk is divided into whole milk, reduced fat milk, low fat milk or fat free milk according to the percentage of saturated fats present in it. The main difference between low-fat milk and whole milk is the amount of fat in each serving.

Irrespective of the fat content and calories, all types of milk have the same amount of all the essential nutrients and 8 gm of protein per serving.

Each type of milk has a different coloured packaging which makes it easier to find milk fat percentage without looking at the description.


Whole milk contains 3.5% milk fat by weight. 1 serving of 250 ml glass of whole milk contains 150 calories with 8 gm of fat.


Reduced-fat milk is known as 2% milk, which contains 2% milk fat by weight. 1 serving of 250 ml glass of reduced fat milk contains 120 calories with 5 gm of fat.


1 serving of 250 ml glass of low fat milk contains 100 calories with 2.5 gm of fat.


In each 250ml glass of serving, there are just 80 calories in fat-free milk and negligible amount of fat. There is a myth about skim milk that it is a mixture of water and milk which is not true. It also contains the same amount of all the essential nutrients, including 8 grams of high-quality protein as in the whole milk.


To provide high quality, wholesome milk farmers take utmost care of their farm animals. There are strict farming guidelines to maintain the standards for organic dairy farms to produce organic milk. It mentions everything from what cows eat to how farmers take care of their cows for the production of organic milk.


Milk contains natural sugar called lactose that needs an enzyme lactase to be digested in the human intestine. People who lacks this enzyme are not able to breakdown this sugar and thereby get the symptoms like gas, bloating, cramps and diarrhoea which is called lactose intolerance. To avoid these situations and make milk consumable for these people, lactose-free milk was introduced. Lactose-free milk is a real cow’s milk which is similar to other types of milk in nutrients with only one difference. The natural lactose sugar present in the milk has been broken down but it still contains all the essential nutrients including protein, calcium and Vitamin D. This makes it great option for people who are lactose intolerant and like to consume dairy milk.

Learn more about lactose intolerance https://www.singlecare.com/blog/what-is-lactose-intolerance/

lactose free milk
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Different fruit flavours and naturals colours are mixed with white milk to make it more attractive and flavourful for kids like Chocolate milk, badam milk, pista milk, vanilla milk, etc. This milk is tasty as well as nutritious, and contains all the essential nutrients that plain milk contains for each serving.

Milk and milk products play an important role in the kid’s nutrition. So, a glass of milk with small amount of flavours is better than other soft and cold drinks which are highly sweetened. However, even flavoured milk should be consumed in moderation.

In teenagers, calcium requirement is high to promote their growth. So, they should include milk, most preferably reduced fat milk, to get the essential nutrients instead of fat calories.

UHT (ultra-high temperature-treated) MILK

To increase the shelf life of milk, it is treated with very high heat to kill all bacteria and germs harmful for our health. They are packed in a special type of packaging called tetra packs that allows milk to be stored for longer periods. 

Main nutrients present in the milk

Protein present in milk is a’ high quality protein’ that fulfills the human needs very well. It is suggested to have milk with cereals products can provide those essential amino acids that are lacking in the cereals.

Main nutrients present in milk and their functions in our body are as below:

Calcium: milk and milk products are primary source of calcium in daily diet. Calcium is very important in building strong bones and teeth and lowers the risk of fractures and osteoporosis..

Vitamin D: It is essential for proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus in our body and for reducing inflammation.

Phosphorus:  requires maintaining normal levels of calcium and vitamin D in our body. It also supports in healthy tissue growth.

Protein: It is considered as the building block of our body. Protein helps to rebuild, maintain and repair body tissue, organs, muscle, bones and hair because they all are made of protein.

Riboflavin: Helps in converting food into energy and plays an important for the development of the central nervous system.

Niacin: Used in energy metabolism in the body. It is a part of the normal functioning of enzymes in our body

Pantothenic Acid: It is one of essential nutrient needed for the body’s energy cycles and converting carbohydrates, protein and fats into energy.

Vitamin B-12: Helps to build red blood cells, increasing blood oxygen levels and maintain the central nervous system.

Vitamin A: Also known as eye vitamin as it is very important for vision. It also promotes growth, healthy skin, and a healthy eyesight.

Health benefits of consuming milk

Milk and milk products especially low fat products are not a threat to good health if they are the part of a well-balanced nutritious diet. 

  1. Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese are very helpful in keeping our heart healthy when consumed in a moderate amount.
  2. Milk is very important for bones and teeth health. Not consuming enough milk products reduces the levels of calcium that leads to osteoporosis. Milk helps in reducing oral acidity and plaque formation and therefore reduces the chance of oral cavities.
  3. Daily consumption of at least one serving of dairy products protects us from colorectal cancer. 
  4. Milk is a very versatile ingredient and can be used in making smoothies, oatmeal, coffee, soups, kheer, ice cream and much more.
  5. Low fat milk and a good amount of fruits and vegetables intake keep our blood pressure in normal range. Reduced fat dairy products are also helpful in lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes.

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Substitutes for dairy milk / Dairy free Alternatives

Nowadays, people with milk intolerance have some other options available in the market to replace dairy milk in their diet. These include plant-based milk products like soy, oats, coconut, rice, and nut milk like almond milk and cashew milk.

These plant-based milk products are completely free from lactose and are also suitable for those who follow vegan diets. However these types of milk do not contain the nutrients similar to the dairy milk. So, while choosing plant-based milk always check if they are fortified with calcium and not added sugars.

Plant based milk
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But, the quality of protein in plant-based milk is not good and is therefore not a great choice for children who need high quality of protein for their growth and development.


Which animal milk is best?

Cow’s milk is considered to be the best dairy based milk. It is not only a good source of protein and calcium, but also of essential nutrients including vitamin B12, zinc, and iodine. It contains a good amount of magnesium, which is important for bone development, muscle and nerve function. Whey and casein present in cow milk is very helpful in regulating blood pressure and maintaining a good blood sugar control.

Is it healthy to drink milk every day?

Milk is a wholesome food with a good balance of protein, carbs and fat. Calcium present in milk strengthens our bones and teeth, reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Milk should be a part of our healthy and balanced diet but high consumption can lead to health problems.  So, include milk and milk products in moderation to stay healthy and to get good nutrition.

Should people with lactose intolerance avoid dairy milk?

Milk contains natural lactose sugar that needs an enzyme lactase to digest it. People who lack this enzyme get symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhoea after consuming dairy milk. Many alternatives to dairy milk are found these days like lactose-free milk or plant-based milk like soy, coconut, cashew, almond, flax seeds, etc., which are a great option for people with lactose intolerance.

But experts in nutrition field advice that people with lactose intolerance should not avoid dairy products completely. They should try either lactose-free dairy milk or even standard milk in low quantities. Also they can try low lactose dairy items like curd and cheese to ensure that they get the important nutrients required for proper growth and development.


Milk is a simple, wholesome and affordable food for growing kids and can be enjoyed as glass of plain milk or flavoured milk. It is also a good choice for post workout drink.

Dairy milk contains a unique combination of 9 essential nutrients which is seen in no other food item. All types of dairy milk whether full fat, low fat, flavoured, or lactose-free milk contain the same nine nutrients irrespective of their fat content. Plant-based milk that is alternative to regular milk does not have the same nutrients. So, choose dairy-based or plant-based milk wisely according to your health status and preferences.

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Daily protein requirement of an adult is 1gm/kg weight and calcium is 1000mg. This much of protein and calcium cannot be achieved without including milk and milk products in their daily balanced diet.  One serving of dairy milk is equal to 250 ml glass of milk, 150 gm of curd or yogurt or 2 slices of cheese which is equal to 40 gm. So, from one serving of milk or milk products gives 8 gm of protein and around 280 mg to 500 mg of calcium.

So, try to include milk or milk products in moderate amount to get good nutrition from the dairy products.

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